If suffering with Neck Pain, Herniated Disc May be the Cause
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If you are suffering with neck pain, herniated disc is one of many causes. But neck pain is common and alone it is not necessarily an indication of a ruptured disc. Neck pain can be caused by stress, sleeping in the wrong position, poor posture, a virus infection, or an injury such as whiplash. Other diseases and conditions can cause neck pain, too.
How do I know if I have a cervical herniated disc?
Usually the first symptom of a herniated cervical disc is neck pain, but that frequently is followed by arm pain, numbness, tingling and weakness. (Learn about the symptoms of a cervical herniated disc.)
In the video above, spine specialist Dr. Seth Neubardt says pain caused by a herniated disc in the neck is usually felt on one side, although you may experience symptoms on both sides. If you have weakness in your arm(s), Dr. Neubardt says you should see your doctor right away. Otherwise, you may want to wait to see if the condition improves.
If symptoms continue for several weeks, or become worse, your doctor will likely order tests to diagnose the condition. The best test for diagnosing a herniated disc in the neck is an MRI, although it is not the only test used. A CT scan is often done instead. An X-ray may be one of the first tests ordered, but a herniation will not show on an X-ray.
If an MRI is performed and you are diagnosed with a cervical herniated disc, surgical treatment may be recommended, depending on the severity of your symptoms. If so, you will find the videos in the surgical section of our website helpful. Dr. Neubardt is part of New York’s leading neuro-ortho team of specialists who are now treating cervical herniated disc disease with the most minimally invasive methods available. Read about the cervical disc replacement surgery developed by this neuro-ortho team that can have you heading home in less than 5 hours.