A ‘must-see’ video for anyone considering cervical herniated disc surgery
This video goes over nearly all aspects of cervical herniated disc surgery. It will educate you as well as put your mind at ease. We have had enthusiastic response from every patient who has seen it. Although 30 minutes long, I guarantee that you will find it worthwhile as you prepare for your own cervical herniated disc surgery. This cervical (neck) surgery video is appropriate for all ages and viewers.
Viewer Review
“We found this video to be exceptional from a patient’s position, reducing any pre-surgery anxiety that might have arisen by providing all pertinent information with regard to the surgery itself and all steps involved. We have never seen anything done like this before. Providing a visual tour of the entire process and introduction of all the staff involved along with explanation put us completely at ease. Please thank both doctors for us.
Debra and William“
After watching our walk-thru video for those preparing for a cervical herniated disc surgery, you can view some of the other videos below to learn about surgical options for a herniated disc, how to know if you need surgery for a cervical herniated disc, and what to expect after your surgical treatment. You might also want to watch the video about the 5 hour cervical disc replacement surgery, a safe alternative to invasive surgery that can have you heading home in less than 5 hours. For additional information and to schedule an appointment, contact us.